PI15 – Contract Planning Strategy & Claims استراتيجية تخطيط العقود والمطالبات

Course Description:

This course demonstrates how to formulate a strategy for contract planning and claims in order to improve the company/suppliers relationships, lead to higher productivity, improve the quality of work, and reduce stress.

Course Goal:

To enhance the participants’ knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary formulate a strategy for contract planning and claims

Course Objective:

By the end of this course, the participant will be able to:

  1. Understand project characterization
  2. Understand contracting Planning process

Course Outlines:

  • Project Characterization
  1. Numerous Characteristics
  2. Wide Variations
  3. Static/Dynamic Elements
  4. Project Phase Considerations
  5. Actual Project “Situations”
  6. The Project Characterization Matrix
  • Contracting Plan
  1. Most Important Step In Contracting
  2. Lays Foundation For All That Follows
  3. An Analysis Of Contracting Possibilities
  4. Must Be Developed Early…Before Irrevocable Actions (or Inaction) Foreclose Preferred Contracting Routes
  5. Requires Data Collection Step…Define Project Particulars, Objectives, Other Factors.

Who Can Benefit?

Purchasing and Financial Managers, Directors, Plant Managers, Supervisors who are responsible for purchasing goods and services, seek a greater understanding of P&S management, or wish to reduce costs and maximize productivity throughout the P&S

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