MC29 – Tank Maintenance and Repair

 Course Description

The high cost of tank maintenance and repair has prompted many organizations to view the management of the maintenance function with more urgency. The increase in the size and complexity of many technical systems has resulted in maintenance being accepted as an important mainstream function in such companies. This 5-day course covers all the aspects related to tank maintenance and repair

Course Objectives:

To enhance the delegate knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to give him some practical exposure to problem solving in the management of the tank maintenance and repair function in oil and gas industry and to understand how maintenance interacts with the other departments of the enterprise

Course Objectives:

By the end of this course the participant will be able to:

  1. Be familiar with types of tanks
  2. Understand and use measurement and sampling techniques
  3. Preventive tank maintenance procedure.
  4. Be familiar with scheduled shutdown maintenance procedure.
  5. Be familiar with troubleshooting techniques.
  6. Be familiar with fire & safety equipment

Course Outline:

  • Types of Tanks :
  1. Cone Roof Tank.
  2. Floating Roof Tank.
  3. Ultrafloat Tank.
  4. Plain Hemispheroid Tank.
  5. Sphere Tank.
  • Measurement Techniques :
  1. Purpose of Measurement.
  2. Measuring Equipment.
  3. Temp. Measurement.
  4. Hazards and safety precautions.
  • Sampling Techniques :
  1. Purpose of Sampling.
  2. Sampling Apparatus.
  3. Sampling Terminology.
  4. Hazards and Safety Precautions.
  • Products Mixing :
  1. Mixing Equipment :
  2. Propeller Mixer.
  3. Mixing By Pumps.
  • Tank Maintenance :
  1. Preventive Maintenance Procedure.
  2. Scheduled Shutdown Maintenance Procedure.
  3. Troubleshooting.
  4. Fire & Safety Equipment.
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