IP11 – Distribution Control System

Course Description:

This course provides a view of distributed processor systems and their evolution from distributed control systems (DCS) to open control systems. The participants will compare distributed control to traditional single loop, central computer, PLC, and PC architectures with a view to future directions and links into corporate-wide enterprise resource planning systems. A field technology are covered, as well as how Foundation field bus segments are put together and configured.

Course Goal:

To enhance the participants, knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to understand distributed processor systems and their evolution from distributed control systems (DCS) to open control systems.

Course Objectives:

By the end of this course, participant will be able to:

  1. Examine latest advances in distributed processor technology using several commercial systems to illustrate the concepts
  2. Analyze impact of this technology on possibilities of control strategies as well as operator interfaces
  3. Apply concepts of body/mind reaction to audio and visual symbols to meaningful human machine interfaces
  4. Evaluate and justify potential benefits of distributed processor technology for improved productivity
  5. Examine how a process control strategy can evolve with changing needs
  6. Reconfigure and link processor technology to enterprise resource planning systems
  7. Specify, select, and implement distributed processor system
  8. Realize the benefits and cost savings of Foundation Fieldbus
  9. Understand how Fieldbus segments are built, including device requirements, wiring methodology, and segment configuration
  10. Understand how Foundation Fieldbus compares to other industrial bus systems
  11. Recognize the purpose of the Fieldbus Foundation
  12. Understand Foundation Fieldbus interoperability and interoperability testing by the Fieldbus Foundation

Course Outline:

  • Distributed Computing.
  1. Distributed Analog to Central Computer to Microprocessor
  2. Functional Distribution
  3. Physical Distribution
  4. Distributed and Centralized Information
  • Comparison of Current System Philosophies.
  1. Distributed Control
  2. Programmable Logic Control
  3. Personal Computing Networks
  4. Open Control Systems
  • Controller Structures.
  1. Inputs/Outputs
  2. Shared Loops
  3. Clustered Loops
  4. Discrete and Logic Control
  5. Sequential and Batch Control
  6. Multifunction Control
  • The Operator Interface.
  1. Philosophy
  2. Workstation Roles
  3. Operator Input Devices
  4. Alarms
  5. Testing
  • Communication Networks.
  1. Physical Architectures
  2. Communicating Structures
  3. Media Access Protocols
  4. Fieldbus Links
  5. Plant-wide Links to MES, ERP, etc.
  • Control Strategy and Configuration.
  1. Development of Control Parameters
  2. Development of Control Strategy
  3. Configuration Languages
  • System Security: Reliability
  1. Availability
  2. Redundancies
  3. Diagnostics
  4. Personnel Access
  • Implementation.
  1. Justification
  2. Prepare Specification
  3. Looking at Vendors
  4. Evaluating Quotes
  5. Post Purchase
  • Foundation Fieldbus terminology and technology
  1. Foundation Fieldbus H1 and High Speed Ethernet (HSE) networks
  2. Comparison of other industrial bus protocols
  3. Cost savings and operational benefits of Foundation Fieldbus technology
  4. Configuration and operation of a Foundation Fieldbus H1 segment
  5. Wiring of a Foundation Fieldbus H1 segment
  • Distributed Control System Reporting
  • Maintenance Consideration


Who Can Benefit?

  1. Electrical Engineers.
  2. Senior technicians who work in the electrical control and power utilities.
  3. Technicians who would like to refresh their knowledge.


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