Course Goal:
To evaluate the sedimentary basin and determine its petroleum potential.
Course Objectives:
- This course identifies the important elements essential to analyze the potential of the basin qualitatively & quantitatively.
- It also develops the understanding of the exploration plays expected in the basin.
- The classification of the basins and its potential for oil and gas discoveries.
- It provides the systematic techniques of basin analysis to evaluate & develop the oil and gas exploration program of the basins.
- It also evaluates & improves modeling the different basins and enhances evaluation of new exploration plays and prospects.
Course Outline:
- Review of exploration concepts.
- Geological situations where petroleum accumulations are possible.
- Geodynamics & geothermics of basin evolution.
- The impact of plate tectonics on basin formation.
- Different basin types.
- Depositional systems analysis.
- Sequence strategraphic analysis.
- Subsidence analysis.
- Geohistorical analysis.
- Tectonic processes involved in the development of sedimentary basins.
- The role of sedimentary basins in forming oil and gas.
- Use of geochemistry in regional evaluation & basin analysis.
Who Can Benefit?
Exploration & Production Geo-scientists, Petroleum & Reservoir Engineers, Managers, Supervisors and Petroleum Economists.