Course Objective:
By the end of this course, the participant will be able to:
- Understand advanced methods of screening and valuation from a reservoir asset perspective. Also, planning and engineering methods as essential prerequisites to successful project implementation.
- Have basic awareness of equipment, site management, rig modification and operational practices needed to implement the technology in an effective and safe manor.
Course Outline:
- Overview of UBD technology drivers.
- Methodology for screening and evaluating candidates.
- Estimation benefits using advanced reservoir evaluation techniques.
- Fundamentals of multi-phase flow modeling.
- Use of NEOTECH’S WELL FLO to model operations.
- Class examples.
- Application to UBD well design-defining the operating envelope.
- Selection of optimal technique.
- Selection and sizing of bottom hole assemblies.
- Selection and design of fluid systems.
- Selection and sizing of surface equipment.
- Safety, environmental and regulatory aspects.
- Operational consideration – procedures and problems.
- Well control principles.
- Examples of successful projects.
Who Can Benefit:
Operators and service company personnel interested in transforming a basic awareness of underbalanced drilling into a comprehensive understanding of this emerging technology to improve their ability to optimize engineering well designs and effectively manage critical UBD projects.